Cherokee Park Sarasota, FL, real estate listings
Cherokee Park
Developed in the 1930's, Cherokee Park is conveniently located just off Osprey Avenue, close to downtown, Southside School, Southside Village and the hospital. Large oak trees, tropical foliage and 1 block to the bay make this a favorite neighborhood for the locals. Recently, many of the traditional homes, along the wide, quiet streets in this well-established subdivision, are being renovated It is one of the premiere areas in Sarasota.
Active Properties Statistics
Properties On Market
Single Family: 1Avg. Asking Price
Single Family: $175,000Avg. Beds & baths
Single Family: 2/1Avg. Asking Price Per Sqft
Single Family: $162Sold Properties
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* These market statistics are not guaranteed to be accurate and are meant only as an estimate. Statistics for Properties are based on the previous 90 days. Contact your agent for more detailed market information.